Broken Geek Designs

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Geek Book jewellery

I make all kinds of Jewellery for book geeks and comic fans and everything in between. Originally I wanted my jewellery to be affordable to everyone and tried to sell at various comic con or YA events or craft fairs but the prices of the tables came as quite a shock.

I tried to sell on Etsy but, again, once Etsy has taken a share as well as PayPal fees it’s rarely worth the price of the pieces and labour costs.

Here you can find examples of what I do and if you’re interested, a way to contact me to order your own.

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Featuring any book cover you can think of, any edition, any language. Makes the best gift for a book worm.

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Up to 10 books on a charm. Can be your favourite series or just your favourite books. Easy to add new ones.

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Any book on a small silver locket charm. For those who don’t do jewellery. Or boys who think jewellery is for girls.

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Can also be made into matching earrings.

Or keychains but I don’t currently have examples of that.

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Geek Pride

Also all kinds of geek stuff.

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So those are some of the items that I make.

Given enough notice I can usually put whatever on a necklace, keyrings etc. I can also give taking bulk booking for those who want giveaways for various events.

I do ship internationally. I accept Paypal and direct transfer.

Please email specifying what you need, the amount and where it is to be shipped to the following email:

i’ll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your order.

Many thanks.