Doctor Who fanfiction master list

A Fair Compromise (PG13)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- Jackie Tyler finds the Doctor and Rose in a compromising situation… well, more than one really. Written for summer fic-a-thon 2007 for goldy_dollar.
A Shot to the Heart (PG13)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- Rose gets injured and the Doctor takes care of her in a fluffy way.
Written for the summer fic-a-thon 2007 for ladyfiresprite
A Taste Of His Own Medicine (PG)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- Rose has been acting oddly all day—wonder why.
Again (PG)
Angst/Humour Ten/Rose, mentions of Nine/Rose
Summary- Rose can’t believe she has to see it again, it isn’t fair. Emergency Program 1 was bad enough the first time.
Alone (PG13)
Angst Nine/Rose
Summary- Rose watches her world explode into dust. She is alone.
Always All Right (PG13)
Angst Ten/Rose mentions
Summary- Martha thinks she knows him now, biut he is still hiding behind the words
Bedside manner (PG)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor has cornered a fearsome beast in the TARDIS, what should he do with it?
Happy!Who prompt- Medicine (Table 2)
Believe me, I know (PG)
Angst Eleven/Rose, Rory/Amy
Summary- How can the Doctor possibly know how Rory feels, it’s not like anyone has ever chosen someone else over him.
Broken Wall (PG)
Angst- Tissue warning.
Summary- He stands and stares at the wall, his hands clenched into fists as he bites back tears of pain.
Consequences of trust broken (PG)
Angst, Missing Scene Ten/Rose, Nine/Rose
Summary- After GITF Mickey has a few things to say to the Doctor and makes him think on his actions and the possible repercussions.
Dark, dank and somewhat gloomy (PG13)
Fluff and wee bit o’ hotness
Summary- When the Doctor takes Rose through a shortcut, does he realise that a dark, dank forest isn’t the best of places. Or is it?
Happy!Who prompt- Misdirection (Table 2)
Dear Doctor (PG)
Angsty Vignette. Rose POV
Summary- Rose has a few words left unsaid. Letter to the Doctor.
Donna’s Decision (PG)
Humorous Angst. Ten Rose Donna
Summary- Donna wants to know why he hasn’t gone to get Rose yet. His answer better be good!
Drabbles (PG13)
Drabbles 2 (PG13)
Summary- Fics based on songs put on random.
Drunk as a Time Lord (PG)
Fluff/Humour Nine/Rose
Summary- Jack will be in trouble when the Doctor sobers up…well, it was his idea.
Happy!Who- Spiking the Drinks (Table 1)
Earth Death (PG)
Angsty drabble Rose POV
Summary- Why Rose walks away on Platform One.
Easy (PG)
Angsty drabble Rose POV
Summary- Rose knows that she could give in to the pain.
Encroaching Madness (PG15)
Angst, Dark!fic. Nine/ Ten, Rose
Summary- Sequel to The Darkness Within. 9 Has taken over 10’s body. But the mind is all his own and it’s starting to crack.
Chapter 1 (PG13)
Chapter 2 (PG15)
Chapter 3 (PG13)
Chapter 4 (PG13)
Chapter 5 (PG13)
Chapter 6 (PG13)
Chapter 7 (PG13)
Chapter 8 (PG13)
Chapter 9 (PG13)
Chapter 10 (PG13)
Chapter 11 (PG13)
Chapter 12 (PG13)
Chapter 13 (PG13)
Chapter 14 (PG13)
Chapter 15 (PG13)
Chapter 16 (PG13)
Chapter 17 (PG13)
Chapter 18 (PG13)
Chapter 19 (PG13)
Chapter 20 (PG13)
Enlightenment (PG)
Humour Eleven, Amy, Rory
Summary- Rory thinks he knows why the Doctor is immune to Amy’s charms. Whoverse_las fic 1 Prompt- Miscommunication
Faith and Madness (YT)
Angst. Master/Lucy
Warning- Mentions of abuse
Summary- She’s breaking inside just a little at a time. It matches the outside
Familiarity breeds (PG13)
Fluff/Smuttish Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor has a little problem with his new face. Rose thinks she can lend a hand, pity it’s brandishing a razor.
Happy!Who prompt- Shave (Table 1)
Fashion for regeneration (PG)
Fluff/Humour- Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor ponders his new body and asks Rose’s opinion.
Happy!Who prompt- Unruly (Table 1)
Feathers and frolic (M)
Fluff/Smut Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor is lousy at cards and Rose pays the price, but she is so going to get her own back. Rose + feathers + stilettos.
Happy!Who prompt- Lap dance (Table 1)
Fires across the universe (PG)
Goof Nine/Rose
Summary- She watches it all burn and he tells her why.
Foiled again (PG)
Fluff Doctor/Rose
Summary- Rose tries to explain to a would-be dictator why ruling the universe isn’t such a good idea.
Future Flirt (PG)
Fluff Doctor/Rose
Summary- A market place in the future but is that his Rose? Who is she hugging?
Games of the Orally Fixated (PG13)
Fluff, Humour, Romance Ten/Rose
Summary- Rose is on the edge of frustration because the Doctor won’t stop licking things. He’s not doing it on purpose… right?
Happy!Who Prompt- Chewed Pen lid (Table 1)
Games of the Orally Fixated 2 (PG13)
Games of the Orally Fixated 3 (M) Happy!Who prompt- Ice Cream (Table 2)
Games of the Orally Fixated 4 (M)
Games of the Orally Fixated 5 (M)
Games of the Orally Fixated 6 (M)
Games of the Orally Fixated 7 (M)
Games of the Orally Fixated 8 (M)
Games of the Orally Fixated 9 (M)
Go on (PG13)
Angst Ten/Rose
Summary- Post GITF. Rose finds it hard to let go of what the Doctor did.
Go on 2
Go on 3
Go on 4
Go on 5
Go on 6
Go on 7
Go on 8
Go on 9
Go on 10
Gold, Rose and soft (PG)
Fluff/Humour/Angst Ten/Rose
Summary- What was the Doctor thinking as he walked into the hospital in New Earth?
Happy!Who prompt- Yellow, pink and fluffy (Table 1)
Hades Lament (PG-13)
Angst Five/Tegan
Summary- We are each our own devil and we make our own hell. Oscar Wilde
Home (PG)
Angst Nine/Rose
Summary- He asks her where she wants to go.
How to enjoy a party (PG)
Fluff Rose.
Summary-How do you enjoy a party when you’re in the wrong universe?
Happy!Who prompt- Giggle (Table 1)
Fluff- Ten/Rose
Summary- There are far more exciting ways to get warm- as the Doctor discovers.
Happy!Who prompt- Cold (Table 1)
I need you (PG13)
Angsty McAngsterson. Tissues needed.
Summary- Ten has screwed up, and for once, the whole of space and time might not be enough to make her stay.
If it ain’t broke (M)
Fluff/ Smut Ten/Rose
Summary- When Martha goes shopping the Doctor gets a visit from an old friend.
In remembrance (PG)
Fluff Ten/Rose, Nine/Rose
Summary- There is more than one way to make sure that he remembers and this room is just the best way to never forget.
Happy!Who prompt- Memory (Table 1)
Just a second (PG)
Fluff/ Humour. Nine/Rose Ten/Rose
Summary- There is a place where the Doctor goes when he’s down. Missing scene from Rose—where does Nine go in those few seconds before offering again?
Happy!Who prompt- Pretty Boy (Table 2)
King of the Gym (PG)
Fluff Mini-doctor series
Summary- He climbs to the top to survey his surroundings.
Happy!Who- Jungle (Table 2)
Part of the Mini-Doctor Series
Ko-herance (PG13)
Fluff, Humour Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor is ill, very ill. And delirious. Rose has to be a nurse.
Happy!Who prompt- Fever (Table 2)
Little Moments (PG13)
Humour, Angst Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor thinks of those little moments that made him fall for Rose
Logic, let me introduce you (PG13)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- Sometimes Rose thinks the Doctor isn’t exactly on the same planet as her.
Happy!Who prompt- Trap (Table 2)
Loss (PG13)
Angst Ten/Rose, mentions of Nine/Rose and Mickey/Rose
Summary- Dealing with the pain of loss, of Mickey, of Jack, of her father and hopes and dreams.
Love and more monsters (PG13)
Drama, missing scene S2-Rose/Ten
Summary- If someone hurts the one we love we let the beast within deal with it.
Love is (PG)
Angst Ten/Rose
Summary- Love is holding the man you love while he cries for another. Post GITF
Message in his fingertips (PG)
Drama- Nine/Rose. Ten/ Rose
Summary- Hands tell a story.
Moonlight and Roses (PG)
Fluff Nine/Rose
Summary- Star gazing isn’t always romantic, but it is beautiful.
Happy!Who prompt- Moonlight (Table 2)
Multi-tasking (PG)
Fluff/Humour Ten/Rose
Summary- Typical Man can’t multi-task. But is the Doctor really as oblivious as he seems?
Happy!Who prompt- Neck (Table 1)
My Mistake (PG)
Angst Ten/Rose, Ten/Reinette
Summary- The Doctor thinks on some choices that he’s made and regrets.
No pets allowed (PG)
Fluff Nine/Rose
Summary- The Doctor thinks Rose needs a pet, other than Mickey and Adam.
Not at All
Drama/ Introspective 9/Rose
Summary- He tries to deny what she does to him
Alpha-Fic Prompt- C Clammy
Not so old (PG)
Fluff Rose/Ten
Summary- The Doctor finds a grey hair but does he feel old? Ask Rose.
Happy!Who prompt- Grandfather (Table 1)
Olenovain (PG)
Romance, flowery? Ten/Rose
Summary- “I show you so much death, Rose, for once, let me show you heaven.”
Happy!Who prompt- Whispers. (Table 1)
Once upon a time (PG)
Fluff with an edge. Ten/Rose, Nine/Rose
Summary- Once upon a time there was a princess and a jaded warrior.
Happy!Who Prompt- Happy Ending (Table 1)
Pendulum (PG)
Angst/Drabble. Ten/Rose
Summary- Time is a funny thing, always too much and never enough. The clock ticks and counts down to eternity.
Putting your foot in it (PG)
Hurt/Comfort. Donna, Ten. Doctor/Rose mentions
Summary- Donna loves exploring the TARDIS. But what is the one room even the Doctor can’t go in?
Qualities of likeness (PG)
Fluff Nine/Rose
Summary- There is just something about the Doctor that attracts.
Happy!Who- Falling (Table 2)
Question of sex (PG)
Fluff Nine/Rose
Summary- It’s a different morality and not all alien males are male. Rose shows her research.
Happy!Who- All Male (Table 2)
Questions on a Lazy Tuesday (PG)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- Ah what plagues us when we’re random– Drabble.
Raining (YT)
Summary- Rose has some things left to say
Regret (PG)
Summary- What not to say to the Doctor when you have him tied up.
Resisting normal (PG)
Fluff Nine/Rose
Summary- 3 drabbles on one word.
Happy!Who prompt- Friction (Table 2)
Fluff, Rose/TARDIS.
Summary- Take your default icon and write a 100 word drabble on it.
Sarcasm is one more service we offer (PG)
Humour/Romance Ten/Rose
Summary- Rose and the Doctor get locked in a cell and a battle of wits. Who’ll win?
Happy!Who prompt- Snarking (Table 1)
Savour (PG)
Fluff/ Humour- Nine/Rose
Summary- A match made in heaven where chips are concerned.
Happy!Who prompt- Savour (Table 1)
School relief (PG)
Fluff Ten, Lauren Cooper
Summary- The Catherine Tate show sketch from Comic Relief. Someone is hauled in front of the Headmaster.
Happy!Who prompt- Fire (Table 2)
Shatter (PG)
Angst- Ten/ Rose
Summary- Rose needs to go somewhere to break over the old Doctor, before she can accept the new.
Showing off (PG)
Fluff, Humour
Summary- Rose, Jack and the newly regenerated Ten get caught in a plasma storm. Time for the Boys to get to know each other again—with alcohol.
Happy!Who prompt- Tall tales (Table 1)
Size doesn’t matter (PG)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor has an accident and changes. Can Rose cope?
Happy!Who prompt- Boredom. (Table 1)
Part of the Mini-Doctor Series.
Sneaking up on you (PG)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- Rose wonders why the Doctor keeps trying to wake her up.
Happy!Who prompt- Wake up call (Table 1)
Someone new(PG)
Angst, Fluff. Te/Rose, Five/Rose, Five/Tegan
Summary- Rose finds more than she ever thought when the Doctor lands them somewhere new–to her.
Stranger Danger(PG)
Summary- The things we learn in school shouldn’t be forgotten.
Surprise (PG)
Slash. Rose/Reinette
Summary- Reinette has a surprise for Rose. Just why did she come aboard?
Sweet Mistake (M)
Angst/Drama/Fluff/Reunion. Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor makes a mistake in his travels with Martha leading him somewhere not entirely new.
Sweet Mistakes 2 (PG)
Sweet Mistakes 3 (PG)
Sweet Mistakes 4 (PG)
Sweet Mistakes 5 (PG)
Sweet Mistakes 6 (PG)
Sweet Mistakes 7 (PG)
Taking the leap (PG)
Sweet fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- Rose thanks the Doctor for something precious.
Happy!Who prompt- Wings (Table 2)
Fluff/Humour Nine/Rose
Summary- Rose has a really bad day, can the Doctor make it better?
Happy!Who prompt- Band-aid (Table 1)
Fluff/Humour 10/Rose
Summary- Some things you really shouldn’t test. The danger of ghosts
Alpha-Fic Prompt- E Ectoplasm
The anatomy of aliens (PG)
Fluff/Humour Nine/Rose
Summary- In which Rose shows she is Jackie’s daughter and gets a lesson in alien anatomy.
Happy!Who prompt- Bruise (Table 1)
The Darkness within PG13
Darkfic Doctor/Rose
Summary- Regeneration takes the pieces of you and turns them into something else. But what if a part of you didn’t want to leave. What if your old self didn’t agree with what you were doing? What if the animal within got out?
The Darkness Within Prologue (PG13)
The Darkness Within 1 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 2 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 3 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 4 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 5 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 6 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 7 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 8 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 9 (PG13)
The Darkness Within 10a (PG13)
The Darkness Within 10b (PG13)
The Darkness Within 11 (PG13)
Sequel now up– Encroaching Madness
The Howling (PG13)
Drama TARDIS/Rose.
Summary- There’s something of the Wolf about her. Repercussions of Bad Wolf.
Happy!Who prompt- Wolf (Table 2)
The Interactive Part (PG13)
Fluff Ten/Rose.
Summary- Taking a hyperactive Doctor to an interactive museum is possibly not the best idea she’s ever had.
Prompt- part of the whoverse_las challenge. Prompt- shiny red button
The kindness of the universe (PG)
Fluff Doctor/Rose
Summary- He didn’t want her to come and now he doesn’t want her to go.
Happy!Who prompt- Reluctant (Table 2)
> Time Lord PMS
Fluff/Humour Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor explains his post-regeneration Mood swings to Rose.
Happy!Who prompt- Time Lord PMS (Table 1)
To be mine (PG13)
Fluff Nine/Rose, Rose/Jack
Summary- It’s valentine’s days, has the Doctor forgotten it?
Happy!Who prompt- Flowers (Table 1)
To be Rational (PG)
Fluff. Ten/Rose. Other Doctor
Summary- The monsoon season isn’t for weeks. Yeah, because the Doctor is never wrong.
Happy!Who prompt- Rain and question mark umbrellas. (Table 1)
To interrupt (PG)
Fluff Nine/Rose
Summary- Jack sees something he just doesn’t want to interrupt.
Happy!Who prompt- Too cute (Table 2)
To wrap around you (PG)
Fluffic Nine/Rose
Summary- His costume is an intimate part of him, so why does it thrill him when she wears it?
Happy!Who prompt- Scarves (Table 1)
True colours (PG)
Fluff/ Romance. Ten/Rose
Summary- When the Doctor sees Rose the most.
Try again (PG)
Angst. Wait…ANGST. Ten/Rose
Summary- Post Doomsday. The Doctor wakes from a dream he wishes he couldn’t have.
Two out of Three (PG13)
Angst. Wait…ANGST. Ten/Martha, Ten/Rose
Summary- Martha will never undersatnd what Rose just knew. NEW
Unfulfilled (PG)
Angst. Ten/Rose
Summary- Some purposes are realised, some altered and some left unfulfilled.
Virtues of voyeurism (PG)
Fluff, reunion. Ten/Rose Nine/Rose
Summary- Others POV. Sometimes when you can’t sleep you see more than what can be seen by the light of day.
Happy!Who prompt- Insomnia. (Table 2)
What he needs (PG)
Fluff Nine/Rose
Summary- The Doctor tries to put into words what he really needs from Rose.
Happy!Who prompt- Hug (Table 2)
What the Doctor ordered (PG)
Fluff/Humour- Ten/Rose
Summary- Every Woman needs her Doctor at that time of the month
Happy!Who prompt- Comfort (Table 1)
Xenophobe (PG)
Fluff, Humour with healthy sarcasm. Nine/Rose
Summary- Nine. Rose and a very sarcastic photo booth. Borrows liberally from Douglas Adams too.
Happy!Who prompt- Photo booth (Table 2)
Yearning for fun (PG)
Fluff Ten/Rose
Summary- The Doctor takes Rose to a funfair.
Happy!Who Prompt- Subliminal (Table 2)
Young at heart (PG13)
Fluff/Drama/Adventure Ten/Rose poss.
Summary- The Doctor’s oral fixation gets him into a kind of trouble that Rose can’t cope with. Exactly how do you care for a 900 year old child?
Based on Size doesn’t matter.
Part of the Mini Doctor Series
Chapter 2- Promises to keep (PG)
Chapter 3- The River in Egypt (PG)
Chapter 4- Up that creek (PG)
X- Men Stories 4



A Slow Slide Mal/ River
Cheating on my honky-tonk
Crazy is as
Crazy over you 1 Inara, 2 Zoe, 3 Kaylee, 4 Mal, 5 Simon
Disturbed Jayne/River
Evolution of a crush Jayne/River
Glowing Mal/ River
Home and Ghosts Mal/ River
If only they knew
Night Shift
Shoes Mal/ River
Somebody needs a hug
Taking the long way Mal/ River
Talking in your sleep
The Drugs don’t work Mal/ River
To Live For
The Right answer Mal/ River
What going mad feel like Jayne/ River
The Drugs don’t work Mal/ River
Dark Angel Stories

48 Beers 1
Bent and Broken
Coming to terms
Corpses and Coffee Mugs
Give me a reason
Good Day
I never told you
I overheard a conversation
Impress me
In my place
It never woulda worked
Making someone happy
Moving ahead Sequel to Left Behind
Moving alongside Parallel to Moving Alongside
Pressing Onwards
Sliding into madness
Song of the Nomaly
Sure hurt
Surging forwards Sequel to Moving Ahead
The bet
Upsides of being down
Whisky Goodbye

As It Should Have Been ~PG-16~
Synopsis: Spike has a dream
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Angel meets the Buffybot
Astral Aspirations ~PG-13~
Synopsis: Astral projection and a photo
Parts: 1
Status: Complete —> 31-08-2003
Class Act ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow has problems with a stalker in her class
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Constant ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow’s in pain
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Disney-fied ~PG~
Synopsis: The Scooby gang gets Disneyfied
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Enough Is Enough ~PG-13~
Synopsis: Willow has had enough of Sunnydale and her friends and decides to have a fresh start
Parts: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-Epilogue |
Status: Complete —> 10-08-2003
Flying, a Moment in Time ~PG~
Synopsis: A moment in time, a change of heart
Parts: 1
Status: Complete 2003-03-23
Forgive Me Love ~PG~
Synopsis: Song fic about what you can’t have
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Happy Halloween ~NC-17~ (Winner of the ‘Halloween Contest 2002’)
Synopsis: Willow gets a happy Halloween
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
I Can Make You Feel Better ~PG~
Synopsis: Spike needs a little confidence boost and he gets it
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
I Overheard a Conversation ~PG~
Synopsis: Spike overhears a conversation between Willow and Slutty… I mean Buffy
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Je Souhaite: Reality TV ~PG~
Synopsis: Spike makes a wish
Parts: 1-End |
Status: Complete —> 31-08-2003
Letters From The Undead ~PG~
Synopsis: Spike leaves Sunnydale but stays in touch with Willow
Parts: 1-Epilogue |
Status: Complete —> 31-08-2003
Lying To Me ~NC-17~
Sequal to: School Not Really Hard Enough
Synopsis: Spike has his hands full with Dru and a new boy at Willow’s school
Parts: 1
Status: Complete 2003-03-23
May Baby Lust ~NC-17~
Synopsis: Hmmm… again with the spells *lol*
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
One of Them ~PG~
Synopsis: It’s time for Spike to be included in the group
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Pain and Friendship Saga ~PG~
Synopsis: Pain and a helping hand
Parts: 1-10 | 11-15 | 16 |
Status: 19-05-2003
PMS and PC’s ~PG-13~
Synopsis: Willow gets fed up with women’s troubles and gives Giles and Spike some lessons
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Put It In Perspective ~PG~
Synopsis: Time to put matters into persepective and stop bullying
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Quit Moaning ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow wants to shut Spike up!
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
School Not Really Hard Enough ~NC-17~
Sequal to: Happy Halloween
Synopsis: Willow interferes with Spike’s plans
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Single White Female ~PG~
Synopsis: A single White female looks for love with A single white Vamp
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Spike and Lorne Go Shopping ~U~
Synopsis: Spike needs some fashion advice from the fashion king himself Lorne
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
Tempus Focus ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow and Buffy travel back in time to rescue Angel, but something went terrible wrong
Parts: 1-10 | 11-13 |
Status: Complete
Tempus Two ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow and Buffy are back from their time-trip, but there are certain changes
Parts: 1-10 | 11-19 |
Status: 31-08-2003
Whatever Happened to Miss Kitty? ~PG~
Synopsis: The hard life of a little cat
Parts: 1-9
Status: Complete

The Thrill is in the chase
Whatever it takes
Saving time
Harry Potter Stories

Don’t stand so close
If you think it’s over
Mirrored Hesitation
Ministry of Information
Save the last dance
We Siriusly Shouldn’t be doing this
Quibbler Fantastico

Supernatural Stories 2

How about Never Supernatural Dean
Few things in life Supernatural Dean

Once Upon A Time

Big Bang Theory

- Relocation Reasonings
- Five times Sheldon Missed out
- The Monopolar Maladjustment
- Space Angel Angle
- Three Kisses
- Pilot Pantsing Preoccupation