2022 Yearly Round Up

Wrap-Up of my 2022 Reading
Wrap-Up of my 2022 Reading
I know I’m late getting this up but the room where I normally work on my computer is hotter than the surface of the sun and even wearing short shots and having a fan pointed at me isn’t enough to make me sit in the room for long enough to edit this. I finally started […]
As I was in Iceland (the country not the frozen food place) at the end of April I didn’t get around to posting my April Reads last month so I decided to put my April and May together. I’m impressed that it’s taken until this month for me to get behind. I honestly thought I […]
So after the disaster that was February’s reading, I thought I’d be itching to get back into books again but did I? No. Instead, I read two Draco/Hermione fanfictions that were 21 and 63 Chapters respectively and LOVED both. If you like Harry Potter fanfic, specifically Dramione pairing I urge you to read The Green […]
Despite February being known as the month of love, there was nothing loving about my reads. The Month of February sucked as far as my reading went. I had several other projects such as dressmaking and a paper-cutting course that took precedent. But at the same time, I had several disappointing reads in a row […]
I’m hoping that monthly update posts allow me an easier time of keeping my blog up to date. So what have I been reading during the month of January? Manners and Mutiny by Gail Carriger Given: 4 stars How: Listened to it via Audible. What: Last in the quad-rilogy of the Finishing School Series. Paranormal […]
2021 Dumpster Fire part two. This year has sucked major balls. Even worse than 2020 believe it or not. With my sister getting sick, my mother-in-law getting cancer, many people I know dying from Covid and my depression rearing its ugly head yet AGAIN this year is definitely one that I’m glad is gone. On […]
I missed out on writing April’s round-up because life is crappy at the moment so I figured I’d put April and May together because… well this is my blog and I do what I want. At the end of this post is a run-down of my current mental state and the reason why April and […]
Reading log Yes this post is late. Very late. But my depression has been playing up something awful over the past few weeks and to be honest, I’m grateful I managed to get out of bed at all. In March I read 20 books and by read I mean that there wasn’t a single DNF […]
Reading log During the month of February, I have read 18 books. Sort of. I started to read 18 books is probably more accurate. Here they are. Best and Worst I read some really great ones this month and some not so great. In fact, there were 3 DNF’s in one month which I really […]