Generations by Noam Josephides

Posted August 24, 2024 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 0 Comments

Generations - Generations by Noam Josephides

Title: Generations
Author: Noam Josephides
Genre: Science Fiction
Publication Date: April 2024
Publisher: Pygmalion Media
Page Count: 455
Comment: I was given a physical copy via The Write Reads and the author. All opinions are my own and in no way manipulated by threats to my Genline.


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For eight generations, the Thetis has been a peaceful haven, carrying the last remnants of humanity on a journey to resettle on a new planet. Nearing its final destination, Thetis is seemingly egalitarian, tolerant and united. A society ready for a new beginning.

But when a strange extortion attempt targets the ship’s leader, that idyllic façade begins to crack. And when SANDRINE LIET, the introvert Archivist tasked with investigating the case starts poking around – the prime suspect mysteriously disappears.

Nobody disappears on the Thetis.

Sandrine is pulled into a web of intrigue and deception, sending her on a direct collision course with the most powerful people on the Thetis. Every step she takes, her suspicions of a grand and far-reaching conspiracy grow – as are the personal consequences for her future if she keeps pursuing the investigation.

GENERATIONS is a masterful tale of mystery, intrigue and personal sacrifice where long-buried secrets, betrayals and shifting loyalties intertwine. It is the story of the indomitable will of a woman who refuses to bow down to tyranny, and of the enduring power of truth in a world built on lies.


The last space-themed movie I went to see was Interstellar- except not really because it was a ‘special showing’ and I had an abrupt digestive issue and had to leave the cinema within the first twenty minutes.

I didn’t care.

I had seen the film before and, in all honesty, I think it was the idea of watching Matthew McConaughey gurn and slick his way through two hours of Oscar bait, rather than the Vanilla Milkshake that caused my bowels to rebel.

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This man is so oily his girlfriends just slide right off

In the last year, there have only been two movies based in space. (I’m not including Dune or Rebel Moon because they are not space. more space adjacent.)

Alien Romulus, which I’ve not seen (because it is the 7th iteration of a franchise that should have been put out of its misery years ago(. And Spaceman which scored 2.5 on Rotten Tomatoes.

Actual movies set in space are few and far between. They seem to be either long and boring hearty human pieces of dross that glorify American ingenuity and patriotism over hostile alien life. Or they are horrific subversive treatises on how awful we are as a species and leave you wishing for the swift death of humanity. (more than usual)

Not to mention the endless flogging of a dead franchise like Star Trek, Star Wars and Alien.

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Here lies the franchise of your childhood

Which is why when you come to a book like Generations with genuine heart, engaging characters, a plot that keeps you up until 1 am spilling your tea on your duvet and a backdrop more intricate and imaginative than anyone making up new neo pronouns, you can’t help but want to scream into the endless void– WHY ISN’T THIS A MOVIE?

As I was reading it, I could picture each scene so clearly in my mind in glorious technicolour surround sound. I had the script, I had the soundtrack and all I wanted was the damn movie!

Why make a 3-hour vehicle to show that Robert Pattinson has slightly more range than a teaspoon when you could direct an intense, action-packed, political thriller set on a spaceship and really make people reach for the popcorn?

Hollywood has let us all down.

The Thetis is humanity’s last hope. Jettisoned from Earth, the ship contains all we need to traverse the immense distance to a neighbouring star system. It’s a multigenerational plan and the entire endeavour has been meticulously planned right down to the smallest detail.

Perfectly egalitarian, tolerant and united, the whole ship is intent on not making the mistakes of the past.

Sandrine Liet is an Archivist, tasked with maintaining order through legalities and ensuring the accurate historical paper trail of the generations. But somehow the last, quite odd, case involving a suspected extortion attempt of the ship’s nominal leader is missing. This should be impossible, as nothing can be erased from the ship’s data nodes. Everything on the Thetis is transparent and open.

Except the main suspect of the extortion attempt is missing. On a ship where everyone is data-chipped.

Sandrine is suddenly thrust into a web of political intrigue, deception and a cover-up that could destroy the peace and tolerance aboard ship. And indeed the entire human race.

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A genuine page-turner of a book. Thought-provoking and intelligent without being morally preachy. A dive into human nature without being depressing. Clever and imaginative without being condescending.

Truly worth staying up for.

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