Miss Bingley’s Revenge by Eliza Austin

Posted July 27, 2024 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 0 Comments

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Title: Miss Bingley’s Revenge
Author: Eliza Austin
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Publication Date:
Genre: 27th July 2024
Comments: I received a copy in exchange for an honest review from Rachel’s Random Resources and the Author. All opinions are my own and in no way influenced by unhinged debutantes.

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A gorgeous Regency novel from Eliza Austin perfect for fans of Bridgerton!

Pemberley Presents… Aware that some people consider her unworthy of the title Mrs Darcy, Lizzy is determined to prove her detractors wrong by throwing a magnificent house party at her new home, Pemberley.
Nothing can possibly go wrong…can it?
Miss Caroline Bingley is quite determined to rescue Darcy from his reckless marriage. Convinced he must now regret his choice, she finds an unlikely ally in George Wickham who also wishes to avenge Lizzy, albeit for a very different reason. If Darcy were to find his ‘fine-eyed’ wife in a compromising position with Wickham of all people, he would surely never forgive her.
Lizzy finds herself in a desperate fight to save her marriage to Darcy, but can she ever compete with Miss Bingley and Wickham’s evil machinations? And what damage will this do to her own sisters’ happiness?


When Lizzy married Darcy she was well aware of the rather large shoes she would have to fill as mistress of Pemberley and, despite her misgivings, she is willing to give it her best. So she is understandably irritated when, only days before her first House Party guests arrive, her irresponsible and ill-mannered youngest sibling- Lydia- shows up unannounced asking for Lizzy’s help in procuring a stewardship for Wickham.

With Lydia’s flirtatious behaviour, Miss Bingley’s snide remarks and Darcy’s insecurities about her previous admiration for his greatest rival, she is almost at her wit’s end.

But Miss Bingley has observed Darcy’s frequent heated looks towards his wife and assumes that he is filled with regret at his hasty marriage. How could he be happy with that awful Eliza Bennet and her uncouth family? Determined to save him from his impudent choices at any cost, Caroline teams up with the thoughtless Lydia Wickham and her obnoxious husband to change his fate.

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This was such a fun spin on a sequel to Pride and Prejudice. Lizzy’s insecurity about her rise in station was clearly detailed throughout and it was obvious how overwhelmed she felt at times. I think this added a humanizing element to the story because she had always seemed so confident and sure of herself in Pride and Prejudice, that to see nerves and humility was character-building.

Mr Darcy was still stiff and uncomfortable with physical affection in public but it was a different matter in private. His attitude towards Elizabeth was beautiful and his pride in her was evident.
Even his change in behaviour around friends and family was in keeping with his original character and reading the change from playful husband to proud host was akin to getting a behind-the-scenes view of P&P.

I will say that the author couldn’t seem to pick what Lizzy should call Darcy as she alternated between several names within the text. This was a little irritating but nothing that couldn’t be glossed over.

But Miss Bingley’s character was the real revelation here. Seeing how she started to spiral in her regard for Darcy and her assistance in seeing his behaviour as regret rather than desire was excellently done. I pictured her from the BBC adaptation and, honestly, I even felt sorry for her times.

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I found her deliciously devious and single-mindedly ambitious and especially enjoyed her relationship with her sister.

Speaking of sisters; Lydia Wickham was vulgar, flirtatious and immature. I adored her. Especially towards the end when she comes to some realizations about her husband. She always had such a strong personality, even if that was immature and overly confident and it was great to see her continued entitlement and effusion. Just like her mama.

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As for George Wickham. Well. His original character was manipulative and arrogant and this just added on. His behaviour was disgusting. Lecherous, dissolute, unrepentant, disloyal and an all-around rake. It was very easy to hate him and read his motivations as intended. Slimy asshat. No redemption for you, bad Wickham!

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The only characters in this that I didn’t think held up against their original counterparts were Mary and Georgiana, which is a shame, because the next few books detail their relationships and futures. I found Mary to be level-headed if a bit too competent given what we previously knew of her character. And Georgiana had grown from Darcy’s quiet little mouse of a sister to quite the spitfire which I didn’t think was very in keeping with her- admittedly brief- character in P&P.

However, I was willing to suspend disbelief and enjoyed the story. It was well-told, engaging and full of witticism. The plot was paced out well and the alternating POVs helped us to have a rounded view of events.

I found it highly enjoyable and one author I shall definitely be reading more of.

My review for the next in the series: Lady Catherine’s Demands will be up on August 2nd

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