Author- Deborah Dillon
Title- Princess No Knots
Publisher- NiCa Publishing
Publication Date- 15 Nov 2021
Genre- Picture Book
Comment- I was given a free copy via the author and Rachel’s random resources.
Princess No Knots LOVES her long golden hair as much as she LOVES her bath time but she does NOT love having it brushed.
When her flowing locks end up in knots, the King tells her they will have to be cut and takes away her crown.
Enter a world of determination, sprinkled with a small dose of magic, to find out if the strong-willed Princess finds a way to get back her crown, keep her name and save the hair she so loves.
A must-read for any parent who struggles with the dreaded ‘hair wash’ night!
I hated washing and brushing my hair as a kid. Hated it with a passion. It was so damn long and curly and never did as I wanted and I often got frustrated with it and so, I decided to go to the hairdresser.
It was almost waist length and I asked for a crop cut.
My hair, which was curly with the weight of it being long, was tight granny-perm curls when it was short.

I have a somewhat tempestuous relationship with my hair nowadays. It’s never as controlled and orderly as I like and just deal with it.

Princess No Knots is about a girl who, likewise, has an odd relationship with her locks. She hates having her hair brushed out after a bath because it tangles and twists and knots. Which means that her parents were totally using the wrong conditioner, as far as I’m concerned. or at least the wrong brush.
Because she makes such a fuss her father takes away both her crown and her title of Princess No Knots.
The poor girl ends up getting a magical hairbrush that helps to de-knot her hair. I am assuming it’s one of those magical de-tangle brushes.

Anyway, she manages to get her name and crown back after a very public brushing.
Personally, I think her father needed lessons on how to maintain curly-girl hair but that’s probably me reading too much into the book.
As for the book itself- what a delight. I loved the rhyming pattern and the sentence structure. There weren’t any forced lyrical gymnastics to make it fit and the cadence was lovely to read.
The illustrator did a wonderful job of making the pictures come alive. Princess No knots and her teddy-bear were so darn cute and there were enough subtle little details that would delight any parent when reading the story.

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