
Posted November 21, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in art / 2 Comments

joydune 1 scaled - Inktober

I have been trying to take it easy this month as I’ve had extreme anxiety and depression. Not surprising since we live in the clusterfrack that is 2020 and everyday is a new sign of the apocalypse. In fact we’ve had so many that I keep forgetting about them- Hey, remember when the US stated that there are aliens and everyone was just like- whatever dude, where have the murder hornets gone?

Anyway, I love to sit and watch TV and doodle. I’m not good at free drawing but give me something to copy and I’m well away. Coming from quite a crafty family there is a little pressure to be good at something. My big brother rocks at anything artistic and my mum has recently started to do abstract paintings that are amazing, my Dad is fantastic at anything he turns his hand to, my middle brother can write fantastic stories and my younger sister’s Minecraft creatures are an architects’ dream. Thankfully my youngest brother is more about building his body so that he resembles a Dorito, so I don’t have to compete with that.

Last year I became aware of Inktober which is a month long challenge during October to draw something in ink everyday. I prefer pencils myself but I really wanted to give it a go.

However, there was some controversy over the originator of Inktober being some sort of plagiarist which hasn’t gone down well and many people are taking the idea and creating their own prompts instead of following his.

I decided to use the official prompts but also to amalgamate them with the Inktober yearly prompt list (one each week of the year) so that I had two prompts to fit into one sketch.

so here are the lists I was working from:

Day 1. Fish and Flight

flightfish 870x1024 - Inktober

Day 2. Shadow and Wisp

wispshadow 846x1024 - Inktober

Day 3. Brick and Bulky

blukybrick 851x1024 - Inktober

Day 4. Snake and Radio

radiosnakes 1024x655 - Inktober

Day 5. Balloon and Blade

balloonblade 1024x528 - Inktober

Day 6. Hammer and Rodent

rodenthammer 1024x861 - Inktober

Day 7. Dinner and Fancy

fancdinner 1008x1024 - Inktober

Day 8. Spider and Teeth

spiderteeth 971x1024 - Inktober

Day 9. Wave and Throw

wavethrow 1024x839 - Inktober

Day 10. Elf and Hope

elfhope 767x1024 - Inktober

Day 11. Tower and Disgusting

towerdisgusting 505x1024 - Inktober

Day 12. Elephant and Slippery

elephantslippery 1024x805 - Inktober

Day 13. Joy and Dune

joydune 1024x667 - Inktober

Day 14. Green and Armor

greenarmour 657x1024 - Inktober

Day 15. Red and Outpost

redoutpost 1024x666 - Inktober

Day 16. Blue and Rocket

bluerocket 657x1024 - Inktober

Day 17. Yellow and Storm

yellowstorm 571x1024 - Inktober

Day 18. Train and Trap

traintrap 1024x561 - Inktober

Day 19. Praying Mantis and Dizzy

(I smudged his face. Probably my least favourite of the month)

dizzyprayingmantis 919x1024 - Inktober

Day 20. Bubbles and Coral

coralbubble 1024x646 - Inktober

Day 21. Robot and Sleep

(I love Matt Dixon’s art. This was inspired by his Sad Robot Transmission series)

robotsleep 1024x803 - Inktober

Day 22. Stranded and Chef

My sister suggested this one.

strandedchef 1024x858 - Inktober

Day 23. Shell and Rip

shellrip 765x1024 - Inktober

Day 24. Puppet and Dig

Ok maybe this one is my lest favourite. I couldn’t get the angle of his body right.

puppetdig 903x1024 - Inktober

Day 25. Lunar and Buddy

lunarbuddy 1024x714 - Inktober

Day 26. Half and Hide

hakfhide 856x1024 - Inktober

Day 27. Eyes and Music

eyesmusic 856x1024 - Inktober

Day 28. Wires and Float

wirefloat 1024x932 - Inktober

Day 29. Garden and Shoes

gardenshoes 967x1024 - Inktober

Day 30. Sandy and Ominous

sandyominous 983x1024 - Inktober

Day 31. UFO and Crawl

ufocrawl 1024x887 - Inktober

So that was my attempt at Inktober. I really enjoyed my time spent just drawing while watching Call The Midwife. It was nice for a bit of therapy.

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